Getting Started
Setting up your account, handling your API key and getting ready to begin.
Welcome to the BePrepared API documentation.
Using the BePrepared API, you will be able to generate highly secure digital vaults for your clients, programmatically place files in their vaults, customise their Intelligent Action Button and customise their task list.
Getting your API key
Before being able to use the BePrepared API, you need to apply for an account.
Once you have opened your account, we will supply you with your API keys.
You receive 2 API keys. One for testing with the format tpc_test_XXXXXXXXXXXXX, and one for use in production with the format tpc_live_XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Storing your API keys
Best practice applies for storing your API keys. You must never hardcode your keys into your application, instead leverage environment variables and encrypted key solutions.
Last updated